Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Beginning - What is Educational Technology?

Capuchino Teachers:

This blog is a creation of Kyle Brumbaugh and Dominic Bigue (Your stellar EdTech Gurus!) in an effort to share interesting articles and resources we have found on the Internet that may be of use to you. Some articles might have resources you will want to use with your classes, some may be tutorial sites we have found on our journey's throughout the Internet and others might just be cool stuff that we thought you might have some interest in.

The amount of technology that we use in our classes is only going to increase over the next few years. There are a few articles, that are linked below that show how this trend is increasing and how it will be more important to integrate the use of technology tools into your teaching repertoire.

IT Challenges in Higher Education

Americans Need Their Gadgets

Poll Finds Americans Dependent on Tech Gadgets

Ready Access to Info Means Smarts or Stress

Another goal would be to get teachers familiar with the use of blogs in education and how their use with their classes will enrich the educational process. Part of this is to identify what is going to be important for teachers and students to know about educational technology. The role of technology in education is going to change drastically over the next few years. While there are many people that believe that technology has little impact on education, there will be some fundamental changes over the next few years that will allow teachers and students to have greater access to materials of all kinds (text, audio and video) and enrich the educational process. There is a short (8 minute) video that is taken from the view of 2014 and looking back at the previous 25 years in technology. Know that everything that is shown in the video from 1989 to 2004, has actually occurred.

Please feel free to e-mail Kyle or Dominic with any items you would like to have posted here or any material that you feel would be important for teachers to have.

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