Saturday, December 20, 2008

Processing Ideas

It has been awhile since I have been able to post on this blog, and the ideas have been piling up.  Being a high school adminsitrator just doesn't give me the time to blog like I have had in the past.  I have been able to keep up on most of the blogs I have followed in the past and read some books, but I haven't been as active in the Google Certified Teacher's Group as I had been prevously and I haven't 'tweeted' on Twitter as much either. That was one of the interesting side notes of my visit to Monterey earlier in the month, when I presented at the CLHS/CUE conference there.  I had several people come up to me specifically to mention that they had noticed my absence from the blogosphere and the 'tweetsphere.'   I was also impressed with the turn out I had in my one 3 hour session in Monterey,  I had a triple sized room and eventhough I was the first thing on the agenda and not many people had arrived at the conference yet, I had a nice group that stuck with me the whole way through.  If you were one of those who was in my first session in Monterey, thank you!

One of the goals of the Winter Break from school is for me to get some things done for school, but also to get some of the ideas that have been running through my mind out and posted here.  I have things like "Filtering is Fallacy," "The 50 Skills Tech Savvy Teachers Must Have" and "Using a Crane to Lift Teachers from the Stone Age" as potential blog post titles.  I have written a little on the filtering issue in the past and hit it hard during my last two presentations at the Monterey conference and in a private session with teachers in Piedmont.  The 50 list came to me one afternoon when I was sitting at home spacing and I was actually able to pull over 40 skills off the top of my head in about 10 minutes.  Thinking about a film showing the 50 skills in small screen casts mashed up together. 

I am also prepping for a few one hour sessions at the CLHS statewide conference in Monterey in January on Website in an Hour and VoiceThread for Educators

Nothing like being on vacation to get some work done....

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