Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hodgepodge: A little bit of everything!

As we start the process of finishing this school year, there are many of us that will spend some time developing curriculum for the new school year over the Summer. This is one of the tasks I will have in working with the teachers that will be a part of the Global Communications program, but I have also been collecting links of what I think are valuable resources for teachers in all disciplines.

Report and Notetaking:
- Easy bib: An online bibliography tool that will create a bibliography for you.
- Cornell Notetaking Tutorial: This site even has links to help you create your own note taking pages.

- The Wayback Machine: Part of the Internet Archive, it logs and keeps track of every page on the Internet and all of the changes in each page. (Some of you have seen me demo this!)
- gTranslate: A plugin for the Firefox browser that will translate any highlighted text.
- Google Cheat Sheet: Something everyone should have. If you can print it out in color and laminate it, something to keep next to your computer.
- The Ultimate Google Command List: Using this and the Google Cheatsheet, you should become a Google search expert!

- Google Calendar: Share an online calendar with any number of people.
- PBWiki: A free Wiki tool. I will be doing a demo of this tool with my computer repair classes.
- Online Feed Readers: If you don't use one of these now, you will soon! Here's a review of all of the major readers.
- Google Blog Search: This tool along with a feed reader, will help you find that article that perfectly illustrates that tough concept you are teaching to your class.
- Skypecasting: This tool will allow you to hold a teleconference with 100 people... For free!
- SkypeOut is offering free phone calls to anyone in the US and Canada.
- Interactive Physics Simulations: Published by the University of Colorado. Pretty cool!

I'll have another post out in a few days that will be an update of the communication and other tools that will soon become common place at Capuchino in the Global Communications courses.


Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

Anonymous said...
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